Tips On Staying Productive While Working From Home!

2 min readMar 26, 2020


Working from home

For a lot of people, a drastic change in work routine from going to the office daily to remote work from home could be confusing and difficult to make. Social distancing and self-isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic has had a drastic change on work as we know it and creating new a whole new routine to enable us to remain productive and still deliver on our daily work goals is not an easy task.

Here are a few tips to enable you to navigate and remain productive while staying safe!

1. Find a WorkSpace; Away from your bed and bedroom if possible. Create a personalized and cosy working space that suits you. You can also add elements that calm and inspire you.

2. Get Ready for the Day; Get dressed as if you were going to the office, make your morning coffee and whatever you need to do to get in the right mindset.

3. Create a Daily Schedule: Write down the list of things you need to do to help keep you on track.

4. Take Breaks: Establish your midday break periods and take them away from your desk. Take a walk, talk to a friend and avoid scrolling through Instagram if you can.

5. Manage communication with those at home with you: Those at home with you could be a very big distraction and if not properly managed you’ll lose hours of work or end up not doing any work at all. Be sure to properly communicate your work hours and boundaries. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you are home.

6. Avoid Social Isolation; While practising social distancing, you can still make time to connect with others, check on your friends and family through Facetime, WhatsApp and phone calls during your breaks.

Remember to Stay Safe!




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